Thursday, February 24, 2022

AMI--Take 2

Hi Dragons, hope you're all staying safe! If you're looking for an activity to do and haven't tried the kindness bingo  posted last week you can find it below. There are other activities and resources available on the FGC Counseling Google Classroom as well.--if you haven't joined yet use code 37extoa 

But as one of your classmates pointed out to me last week--too much electronics can negatively affect your mental health. Remember to take breaks and if you feel like you're at your max. Maybe you want to take some time to read a book, play a board game, draw or create something, cook something, write someone a letter, take a know you best, so take some time to take care of yourself in the way that works for you!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Kindness Bingo!

Hi Dragons! We're missing seeing you at school today and that we had to cut our National Random Acts of Kindness day short yesterday, but this AMI day provides a great opportunity to practice kindness at home!  Check out the Kindness Quest Bingo below and let's see how much kindness you can spread!

How many kind acts can you do? After you complete some think about the following questions...
  • Which ones did you try? How did you feel when you did them? 
  • Were any acts more difficult for you to do? What made them challenging?
  • Were there any you chose not to do? Why? 
  • How did the person receiving them feel? How can you tell?
  • What are some other ways you can show kindness right now?

Future LMS Rams...