Tuesday, January 12, 2021

6th Grade Registration!


Upcoming Presentations from CHADS

On February 1st and 9th CHADS (Communities Healing Adolescent Depression and Suicide) Coalition presenters will be joining our 5th grade classrooms to cover a lesson on Emotion Management. Here is a description from CHADS about the program: 


Many things happen in our lives that can trigger strong emotions. Do we know how to manage those emotions in healthy, positive ways? When life feels overwhelming it can be hard to talk about how we’re feeling and identify ways to handle those emotions in a way that makes things better instead of worse. This presentation teaches students what it means to have empathy for one another, how to manage strong, or heightened, emotions, and identifies positive ways to release stress and anxiety.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

FGC Counseling Google Classroom

 Hey Dragons!

There are a lot of materials and resources for you to uses in the FGC Counseling Google Classroom.  You can watch practice mindfulness strategies, work on resilience strategies, and so much more!  

If you haven't joined yet use Class Code: tyn7diw 

Future LMS Rams...